The Play Clean Go initiative targets recreational users of trail systems and the backcountry. The goal of this initiative is to educate recreationalists on the importance of their responsibility in stopping the spread of invasive species. The message is: After we played out there, we clean our equipment such as the mountain bike or the ATV to make sure all dirt and plant parts are removed because these can be the source of spreading invasive species to new areas. Education components include Best Practices, info kiosks and signage.
Currently the Canadian Council on Invasive Species works on extending this program to Canada. The Yukon Invasive Species Council is one of the leading organizations in Canada to implement this program.
YISC is taking Play Clean Go to the next level. Four bootbrush and 2 bikebrush stands are installed at popular trailheads in Whitehorse. This should make it easy for you to do your part and keep your gear clean!
Play Clean Go – What actions do you find in this painting by Stephanie Ryan?
4 boot and bike brush stands were installed in the spring of 2019 in the city of Whithorse.
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