White Sweet clover Weed Pull
Sweet clover is a biennial or occasionally an annual plant in the pea family that can grow 2 m tall but is usually less than 1 m. It rapidly colonizes gravelly well-drained soils such as roadsides, waste areas and river banks and bars. Hand removal if sweet clover shows great success if repeated over several years.
What can you do?
Contact YISC, if you like to organize a weed-pull in your neighbourhood!
A summary of actrivities 2021:
This summer YISC worked together with 6 neighbourhoods and recieved support by 53 volunteers. Some areas such as Spruce Hills and Meadow Lakes show a great success and sweetclover is practically eliminated. the Weed-pull on the Fish Lake road again was a great success, but there are still large stands left to takle next year!
YISC also had support to remove bird vetch from several locations, mainly along the water front.
A summary of actrivities 2020:
Due to covid-19 outreach activities this summer were challenged! But, YISC hosted 12 events engaging 68 community volunteers that worked for close to 150 hours removing more than 80 bags of invasive weeds. Thanks to the crew of the City of Whitehorse for picking up the bags!
A summary of activities in 2019:
We had close to 100 volunteers involved in weed-pulling events. More than 200 hours were spent pulling weeds. YISC removed 3 truck loads and 59 garbage bags filled with mostly sweet-clover. Thanks to the crew of the City of Whitehorse for picking up those piles!
Removal of White Sweetclover can be a fun community activity.
photo: Maxine White
A school class removed Common Tansy from their school yard.
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